The Global Summit of Women and Kozminski University present
“The Legacies of Women” share the ‘gift’ of expertise and knowledge of business women reaching the top in a lively discussion Forum.

Irene Natividad, President, Global Summit of Women
Irene Natividad is President of the Global Summit of Women, a 22-year old annual gathering of women leaders in business and government who come together to share strategies for increasing women’s economic empowerment globally. She also serves as Co-Chair of Corporate Women Directors International, which conducts research and brings together women corporate directors from around the world on issues of corporate governance. In 2004, she was selected by Women’s eNews as one of the “21 Leaders for the 21st Century.” She was named in 1997 as one of “25 Most Influential Working Mothers” by Working Mother Magazine, and was also named in 1988 as one of the “100 Most Powerful Women in America” by Ladies Home Journal.
Witold T. Bielecki, Ph.D., Professor Management and Rector, Kozminski University
Dr. Witold T. Bielecki is Rector of Kozminski University and Head of the Department of Quantitative Methods and Application of Information Technology, who has taught courses in Decision Support Systems, Business Application of Computers, Management Information Systems, Operations Research, and Simulation Management Games. He has published three text-books and over 80 scientific articles in Polish and foreign scholarly journals and co-authored two computer-controlled management games. In addition, he has served as a Member of the Supervisory Boards of PZU SA and Bank BGZ, and is a charter member of the Board of Association of Managers in Poland
Lidia Adamska, Member, Management Board, Warsaw Stock Exchange
Lidia Adamska has worked for the Warsaw Stock Exchange in various managerial positions since 1994, until her appointment in 2006 to become a Member of its Management Board. In addition, she serves as a Member of the Supervisory Board of BondSpot (fixed income trading) and President of the Supervisory Board of the Capital Market Institute-WSE Research (WSE capital group). She began her career as a fellow researcher at the Faculty of Economics of Warsaw University from 1980 to 1991, where she earned a Ph.D in Economics, followed by work in Poland’s Industrial Development Agency and the Polish Agency for Foreign Investment.
Olga Grygier-Siddons, Chairman, PricewaterhouseCoopers Poland
Olga Grygier-Siddons is the Chairman of PwC in Poland. She has been with PwC (earlier Coopers & Lybrand) since 1991 when she joined the Corporate Finance team in London. Between 1998 and 2004, she was a Corporate Finance Partner in the London team, working with infrastructure, public sector and energy clients on projects involving private and public sectors cooperation. In 2004, she moved to Poland to take the role of Advisory Managing Partner. She has extensive experience in advising governments, local authorities and leading international companies in the energy and infrastructure sectors on privatization, M&A and restructuring, as well as public/private partnership projects.
Sonia Wedrychowicz-Horbatowska, Head, Consumer Banking, Citibank Handlowy
Sonia Wedrychowicz-Horbatowska, currently the Head of the Consumer Banking Sector at Citi Handlowy, has been the Vice President of the Management Board of Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. since October 2006. She started her work in Citibank Poland in 1994 in Cash Management in the Transaction Services Division, and was later appointed Head of Cash and Trade. In 2003, she became Global Transaction Services Head and held that position until September 2006. Later that year, she was appointed a Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Handlowy Brokerage House. Outside of her banking responsibilities, she serves as Chairman of the Board of the Junior Achievement Foundation
Maria Wisniewska, President and CEO, CEPD (Corporation of European Pharmaceutical Distribution)
Maria Wisniewska has served as President and CEO of the Corporation of European Pharmaceutical Distribution since 2008. From 2005 to 2007, she entered politics and was a Deputy of V Term in the Lower House of Parliament. From 1998-2003, she was the President and CEO of the Management Board of Pekao SA, which resulted from the merger of four banks. At Pekao, she supervised the bank’s privatization and internal reorganization, making it the largest bank in terms of accumulated capital. During her five-year term, she listed Pekao in the Warsaw Stock Exchange and in the London Stock Exchange. Currently, she also serves as the Chairperson of the Founders Board of the Polish Institute of Directors